The main aim of the project is to make sure that the groups transition from a paper based record keeping system to a digital based record keeping system. 

Opulence Malawi aims at unleashing the abundance endowed in communities. One of the ways it does this is by enhancing the economic empowerment of people in rural communities by promoting Village Savings Loans (VSLs). Locally known as “Bank N’khonde.” VSLs create a system that is self-sustainable and self-replicating and allows members in the community to become financially secure and independent. Currently, the organization is working with 206 VSLs in the area of T/A Chakhadza in the district of Dowa.

Partnering with Dreamstart Labs

In collaboration with DreamStart Labs, Opulence Malawi introduced the Dreamsave Digital Savings platform. In the pilot phase, the project is targeting 20 VSL groups from the pool of 206 groups that the organization is working with. The pilot phase included presenting each group with a smartphone as well as training Group Champions and Community Based Trainers (CBTs) on the Dreamsave app. The main purpose of the project is to digitize data from the groups, for easy access as well as safe-keeping of the data. Furthermore, when used correctly, the Dreamsave platform can help accelerate the success of international development projects and play a key role in areas such as financial inclusion, poverty alleviation, economic resilience, and women’s empowerment.

The pilot phase will help the organization as well as implementing partners to understand how DreamSave can benefit savings groups in Madisi, learn what is required to establish a successful digital savings group, and in the long run help the organization develop a strategy to extend Dreamsave to the remaining savings groups across the area.

Dreamsave Testimonials